Pregnancy During COVID-19: How Can it Affect You & Your Baby?

 In Lifestyle

During the Covid-19 pandemic, everyone is under fear and worried about their health, and it increases more if you are pregnant or have any type of disease.

As there is much news in the markets spread that the coronavirus grabs the senior citizens, the person having low immunity or having any illness easily, because of these type of news and messages people came under the much pressure.

In such a panic situation if you are pregnant, then it is obviously to come to these kinds of questions in mind or having a fear about the same.

The coronavirus came into our lives during the year 2019, and till the year 2020 it grabs many people, and suddenly we lost many of our loving ones, the people from all over the world are under pressure, there is lockdown all over and everyone is in the home fearing to go outside.

These are the situations everyone face and if you are a pregnant woman then this situation becomes worst for you, as you always care for you are child, the mother is always protected towards a child and that’s why we note down the obvious question you have in you are mind during pregnancy.

We try to give our best answer to all the questions and hoping that it will help to clear you are more doubts, please let us know if you want us to cover something else or having a doubt which we have not to cover yet so that we can work on it and can include it in the article.

What coronavirus symptoms do pregnant or breastfeeding women need to be aware of?

These are the most common questions that come into mind, when you have a doubt regarding something, you always want to confirm about that doubt whether it is true or not, this is the human tendency.

Some people can’t wait to clear their doubts and because of that, the pressure on them increases more and more, in a situation like this you just have to calm, so that the pressure and fear will decrease.

The first question that comes into the mind of any pregnant woman during a coronavirus is whether she has it or not? because no mother wants to harm her child and that’s why this obvious question comes into mind.

Below are the most common symptoms of coronavirus, for which you must have to be aware, whether you are pregnant or not.

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue

Other Symptoms You have to be aware of include:

  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • muscle pains
  • muscle aches

If you are having these symptoms, you must have to take you are doctors advice and have to test for Covid-19, whether you are pregnant or not these symptoms are common for both.

Are pregnant women more sensitive to the virus?

As we discussed at the start that there is much news regarding this, if you have low immunity, or you have any disease then it will grab you.

But no one confirms the news yet, as the virus has many variants of it and developing more rapidly.

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) stated that pregnant women are more sensitive than other women for all kinds of respiratory diseases, such as the flu and many more.

This is because you are immune system gets changed because of pregnancy and also because the pregnancy impacts your lungs and heart.

Even if go as per the study, there is no solid evidence provided on the basis of that we can say that pregnant women are more sensitive to the Covid-19.

What medical treatments are secure for pregnant women with a Covid-19 positive?

This is the most common question that comes into the mind like what treatment is safe for the pregnant woman to treat coronavirus without harming herself and to the child also.

During the treatment of a pregnant woman for a coronavirus, it is indirectly become more important to take care of two lives, a mother and a child.

As per the doctor advice, it is the same treatment everyone’s need to follow and it will not get harm anyone:

  • taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) for a fever of 100.2°F or more than that
  • Stay hydrated, drink more water
  • take as much as rest

If you have taken the Tylenol ad though the temperature is not going down, you must have to call you are a doctor and take treatment as per his / her advice.

What are the Risk and How dangerous is it for a pregnant woman to get this coronavirus?

As the data available regarding the coronavirus is not much and much data is confirmed. But, if we go as per the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) there is a high chance that the outcomes of pregnant women who got coronavirus are worse than the pregnant woman who don’t get these infections.

The things like miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth, and more difficult disease have all been noted in pregnant women with other coronaviruses. A high fever in the first trimester of pregnancy, despite its cause, can begin with birth flaws.

We know this is very scary but keep calm and take a long breath as all news are not dire.

According to the Worlds Health Organization (WHO) report, which looks small sampling of pregnant women with the Covid-19, the strong majority did not have a difficult or severe case. Out of 147 women studied, 8 percentage of women had severe Covid-19 and 1 percentage was critical.

Can the coronavirus pass to my baby during pregnancy or childbirth?

The answer to this is probably that is unlikely as per the judging women who gave birth while having been infected with coronavirus, but more accurately, that their no such proof or evidence to say that it does.

Covid-19 as the study says can only pass from person to person through the droplets, things like coughs and sneezes of infected people and to such droplets baby can only be opened after birth.

However, the large study says that the 30 newborns tested negative to Covid-19 but the three newborns tested positive to Covid-19, but the researchers are not sure and can not confirm that the babies who tested positive are really caught coronavirus from the uterus or if they got shortly after delivery.

If I have COVID-19 positive at the time of delivery, will I need a cesarean section?

There is no such factor that matters, no matter in which way you deliver you are baby either by norma or doing cesarean, it will completely depend on to the various factors and not only that you are a Covid-19 positive.

As per the recommendation given by the experts, they say that the normal delivery of the baby is more preferable to the cesarean one.

Experts are not recommending the normal delivery and not the cesarean due to the various factors, one of the factors is like if the surgery is performed on you are body already weakened with a serious virus and because of that there are high chances of causing additional complications, they stated.

Can the Covid-19 virus pass through breast milk?

In few studies which are done on breastfeeding mothers, who are Covid-19 positive, the answer comes for is “no”.

But as per the experts caution that there is more need to do research than this so that they can definitely confirm that there is no risk.

If you are a new mother or a breastfeeding mother having a Covid-19 positive or you are having a suspect with that, then you must have to take the advice of you are doctor regarding the what are the prod and cons of breastfeeding?

You can take care of your body’s illness by:

  • Always wear a face mask properly
  • Before touching you are baby wash your hand properly and thoroughly.
  • Do wash you are hand always before touching anything related to a baby.
  • Take the help of someone who can give a breastfeeding bottle to the baby of expressed breast milk

What are the best approaches for avoiding the Covid-19 virus?

We are sure that you must have been aware of these facts, but they are better to repeat:

  • Wash you are hand before and after touching outside thing
  • Do washing you are hand for at least 20 seconds
  • Use a sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your face especially the mouth, nose, and eyes.
  • Stay away from the crowded areas
  • Follow the social distancing.
  • Eat well, have enough sleep and do the exercise properly.

Bottom Line

This coronavirus is the new thing that comes into everyone’s life and changed it in many ways.

While doing the things or work the one thing everyone must have to keep in mind is to follow the guidance provided by the government regarding a Covid-19.

Whether you are pregnant or not, you must have to take care of yourself by following all norms.

As there are lots of and a confirmed study needs to be done, little study shows us that the pregnant women with a Covid-19 positive are no more likely than the others to have severe disease.

Based on the limited data we have, the virus is not passing to the babies during childbirth or pregnancy.

But at last, it is better to be prepared and scared about the coronavirus, follow the all norms recommended, wash your hand regularly, wear a mask, avoid crowded areas, and do exercise regularly to be a fit

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