6 Simple Ways To Find Your Passion In Life
Having a passion in life is very important, everyone is passionate about something or want to achieve something, for which he or she works hard.
Passion is the one who keeps you alive, you always do efforts to achieve your passion, it is the one who keeps you motivated in life.
Passion is the reason you go or do progress in you are a journey, many times you feel like a loser trying to find your purpose or reason in life or ways to discover your passion in life?
If you want to become something, you must have passionate about that thing, which keeps you motivated to achieve that. Some people are always dull, unenthusiastic, and unwilling to do anything this happens because they don’t have any passion in their life which motivates them.
You can also see the people who are more dedicated in life and work hard for achieving their passion, and once they achieve their passion everyone wants to become so, but without knowing anything.
People just want to achieve things, without even setting a goal, without any hard work or plan, even most of them are unaware of their passion in life, but they just want it, which takes them to frustration.
Many times it happens,5 that we try to do things which we really don’t want to do and this takes a towards a frustration, so first thing is to know your passion in life and then achieve it.
But many people don’t know how to find their passion in life and because of this, we are writing this article to share the 6 simple ways to find your passion in life.
1. Start With the Right Perspective

Starting with the right perspective simply means, choosing the right passion for you.
Choosing the right passion and start with it is more important, otherwise, your journey will not be very happy, if take an example like if you are not willing to do anything but still you have to do it will increase your anger and frustration indirectly, also you will not able to do that work perfectly or you will leave it in-between.
Starting anything is important, a good start is always making your journey beautiful and enjoyable, if you start with the right perspective and are able to find your interest and passion then surely you will start enjoying your things.
Choose what give you joy, choose the passion which you enjoy most while doing, everyone has a passion in life just you need to recognize it perfectly.
Not everyone follows their passion, see your friends, family, colleagues how many of them are following their passion? the answer is very few, others are following their responsibility, not passion.
Give a good start with the right perspective, and you will see the difference.
2. Identify what you do with ease.
The various time our passion, interest, and purpose are in front of us but we ignore them very quietly, we thought they are very easy and common.
But the question here is the thing which is hard for us to do is our passion? and only hard things can be our passion? not necessarily.
The things which are common and easy for you not necessarily are easy for others too, maybe they are hard for others to do, it is because you have to practise doing it regularly and nothing else.
But the thing is whether you enjoy it while doing it or not? if you are really enjoying it and having the interest to do it matters most.
Some people do exercise or yoga regularly, so they have the practice to some particular asanas, which can be difficult for you who are not having a practice of doing so.
The point is that your passion is near and in front of you only, you just need to recognize it without judging it in any circumstances, no matter it is common or not the only thing is a matter that you enjoy it or not.
3. Look at your past
Once you got the confidence and are prepared to find your passion, you must have to look into the past and try to find it.
Many times in your life you struggle lots of, you face lots of things in your past take that experience from past and use it in your future.
by looking in your past you will get a clear idea of many things like in which you are good, perfect and bad so that you can choose likewise.
If you can scan you are past you can find you are peak moments in it also and from that peak moment chose the right ingredients which help you or you use it very well. It becomes more important to search into your peak moments and extract the key ingredients.
You can also consider the job you have done in the past and on basis of which you can choose the key aspect from it.
Suppose you are the Teacher of some language and you enjoying or enjoyed that job very well, you like to go to school every day and teach students about your subject.
From the above example, we can take three aspects you enjoy teaching or you have an interest in the subject you teaching or you love social gatherings and love to discuss things with them.
But except for these three aspects, if we go more deeply we can also find the fourth aspect in it, and might be that is your passion, any guesses about that?
Yes, you are right the fourth aspect may be “Leadership”, you enjoy leading the people and enjoy guiding and leading them.
Like this, you must have to find the key aspects from you are past and must have to go in deep so that you can find the key ingredient which will be your passion.
4. Look for the Roof
Once you take out the list of all aspects or ingredients or points which really matters to you most and for the first time these all points will be scattered and seem disconnected. But you have to connect this point and need to create a roof for yourself.
But the question in this step arrive and which is the important one is How could you build a roof or career from these? only following the passion is not the thing to do in life else How could you live?.
Building a roof or career with your passion surely will take you at high. But for this, you must have to connect all these points and need to build a career from these points.
It seems difficult right? Yes, but not impossible, remember nothing is impossible in this world if you choose the right direction and have passion towards it, one day you will succeed.
Suppose you have an interest in leadership, particular language, social gathering or in travelling. I know everyone loves travelling and exploring things. But who will pay you for roaming around the world?
There are many jobs which pay you for roaming around the world, if you are a movie actor you must have to go outside the country for shooting purposes LOL.
By taking the above points you can be a language translator, in which you have to translate the other language to the language which understands by your client, in this your all points cover successfully, language, leadership, social gatherings or travelling, you have to travel with your client to different places for meetings.
See it’s difficult but not impossible. So Did you able to create your roof?
5. Differentiate Between a Hobby and a Profitable Passion
As we discussed above you have to connect your points but not necessarily all points, you must have to differentiate between these points Hobby and Profitable passion.
Choose the points which will definitely help to build your career and from which you can earn money for yourself.
Suppose that you are enjoying watching a movie or painting, then you must have to choose a painting over a movie, which increases your bank balance for sure.
You can also choose a movie and can start earning from it, criticized the movie, give your review on movies, nowadays this also become the most profitable business.
The motive is to choose the points which surely gives you an income. It is not necessary to choose each and every point, try to not creating a mess with this.
6. Find the Limits of Your Courage
The last thing to do is go outside and say loudly to the world that “I am available now and damn serious now”.
Choose the right path and build a great successful career under your own created roof.
Give a start with confidence, be brave and just do it which you want to do from starting, which you enjoy most while doing it.
nothing is more enjoyable and precious than you are doing the thing which you want to do, which you enjoy most and also earning a profit from it
You must have to be brave while doing this and find what are the major risk you have to take and be brave and confident while doing these all things.
Bottom Line
Following you are passion is the most beautiful thing to live a life, many people don’t get this chance because of less to willing so, fear, and they didn’t recognize what is their passion.
To recognize your passion, follow it and earning money from it as well, what else do you want in your life? you become the most satisfied and happy person.
While doing this all you have to do is have patience, be brave, strong, and confident about the things you are passionate about.
Germinate wishes you the best of luck for your bright future and career