15 Phone Interview Tips to Guarantee a Follow-Up
The telephonic interview has now become an important one during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Most organizations preferred telephonic interviews first to check whether the interviewee is capable or not, they check all the knowledge required for the job.
Today the time is real money and no one wants to waste it, as they need to arrange the whole process of the interview takes a lot of time and effort.
When the organization arranges the physical interview where the interviewee needs to attend the interview at the office, it involves many people’s time and effort and if the candidate is not up to the mark then all efforts get wasted.
Each organization has its specific hiring process and everyone is adopting the telephonic interviewee nowadays. As it is more effective and recruiters can ensure that candidate is reaching the minimum requirements or not.
Without wasting efforts and time recruiters judge the candidate and schedule the next round after ensuring the candidate is up to the mark.
The telephonic interview is the difficult one as the recruiter can not see your body language, confidence and you can not judge the recruiter’s body language also.
You have to control your way of talking, language, and try to give clear and helpful answers only.
The way of talking becomes necessarily important on the telephonic interview, as the recruiters will judge you are capable to attend the client call on that.
What to expect during a phone interview
The telephonic interview will happen only in the initial stage of the hiring process, which is the crucial one. Many organizations take this call to confirm whether the candidate is up to the mark.
The recruiters can ask you about your family background and experience you have, the skills in which you are good and how do you learn that? to the only judge that you are reaching the requirement needed for the position.
They can say you to come on a video call to judge that you are well fitted to the company’s culture and if the impression goes poor, they will let you know.
Bitter but true when the recruiters told you that “They will let you know” simply means, you are rejected and you can stop all hopes from them.
The recruiters can ask you some basic questions about the skills they are looking for, and if that goes well there is a high chance that he can test you are deep knowledge based on the experience you have.
The telephonic interview conducts only between 15-30mins and not more than that and during this small period you need to impress the recruiter effectively.
Based on the hiring process organization follow, they will ask you the questions to test your knowledge, and that’s why it is become necessary to take the telephonic interview seriously.
As the telephonic interview is the initial step of the hiring process, you must have to take it seriously otherwise, you will miss the opportunity without giving any effort.
Phone interview tips
In the article, we are sharing some important Telephonic interview tips that will help you to prepare more for it and it will also clear the more idea for you.
We hope, that you will find this article more useful for yourself and let us know that in the comment.
1. Be Confident

The first thing we suggest you, whenever you face the interview stay confident, confidence is all that matters.
If your answering right to an asked question without having confidence, that will not make any impression on the recruiter, especially on the telephonic interview.
Remember, in the telephonic interview, you can only impress a recruiter with your answers and way of speaking.
Give each answer with confidence, so that the interviewer may know that you know the answer very well and also having the experience on that, by which there is a high chance that the interviewer will impress.
Otherwise, he will take you lightly and might be misunderstood that you don’t have an experience on the same or you are reading it from anywhere else.
2. Confirm the Schedule time
Time and Date confirmation is another important part, make sure that you will attend the interview on time, if it is a telephonic interview try to pick up it up the first time.
To remember the interview time and date, you can add it into the calendar and can set the alarm which will notify you when the time comes near, and you can attend it on time.
On the telephonic interview, it becomes necessary to attend the interview on time, as you don’t need to go anywhere to attend it, and also that will make a bad impression on the first time on the recruiter.
3. Reschedule the Interview, if necessary
If you have work to do or having the work meeting near the interview call then reschedule the interview, as if the work or call goes longer you can not able attend the interview on time and which will negatively affect you.
Keep in mind that request to reschedule the interview on prior notice before 1 or 2 days and also provide the suitable date and time you can attend the interview. So that, a recruiter can have time to reschedule it.
It is always good to reschedule the interview than not attending it so that you can not miss the important opportunity.
4. Know About the Company
Know about the company before attending the interview, research the company’s goals, visit the company’s website. Also, search about how much the profit company makes in the last quarter.
By doing this you will have a clear idea about the company’s financial position and the speed of growth, which will also help you to make a decision about to join the organization or not.
If the company not making the necessary profit, not having clear goals, then how can you progress in such an organization?
You can also clear the queries that come to you during this search, and by asking them they will give you a clear picture of the company’s progress.
5. Look over the Job Description
Before attending any interview to understand the job description is an important part, some people just saw the skills and attend the interview if the skills match, without knowing what they are expecting from you.
Sometimes they look for other skills which not covered in the skills section like they want to have the experience to attend the client call or they want you to have work experience to develop some type of thing using the same skills.
Like if we can take an IT industry as an example and they have mentioned the skills matching you are, but in the description, they mentioned that you must have experience on e-commerce software with the same skill, which you don’t have.
In the above situation, they will ask you about the experience in the telephonic round only and if you are not aware of that or not able to give an impressive answer, then the process will end for you.
Sometimes with the same skills they give the different roles to do, which you don’t want to and regret it for later, it is better to understand the job description.
Read the job description always be careful to avoid such situations and to understand better what will be your role in the company once you joined.
6. Be a good listener
While attending the telephonic round, it is become necessary to be a good listener, what the interviewer asking, you must have to understand very well.
In the telephonic interview, there is a high possibility to create confusion, sometimes we don’t understand what exactly they are asking for?
Some people have the habit to talk in between, without giving the opportunity to the interviewer to complete his question, this makes a poor impression of you.
Sometimes it happens that the voice breaks, or suddenly some noise com and we don’t understand what exactly the recruiter asking, for that ask to repeat the question asked.
Rather than giving a fullish and wrong answer, it is better to ask to repeat the question, even if you are not understanding the question, ask to describe more on it, don’t worry it will not make any bad impression of you, but if you give the wrong or irrelevant answer surely it will.
Listening is very important while attending the telephonic interview, listen carefully and answer properly.
7. Know who will be calling you
Before attending the interview, know very well who will be attending you are interview. Whether it is HR or hiring manager or supervisor.
Here you got the question that why to know that, the answer of this is that if you know that who is taking your interview, you will get the idea of how the interview will go.
You will understand easily that what type of questions will be asked to you, if HR is taking an interview, not a single technical question will be asked to you.
But in some cases, HR asks technical questions, but they only asked the questions to test your confidence and way of giving an answer.
If an interviewer will be a Hiring manager, then most probably the questions asked to you are based on the experience you have and what you work for.
IF the interviewer is the supervisor or team lead or any technical person from the team the position is for, you can expect the question asked will be more technical and in-depth.
Thus, if you know the interviewer’s role, then you can be prepared in that way while attending the interview.
8. Be professional
It is always important to be professional at work, always give respect to the interviewer, try to make the interview healthy.
Always give an answer politely and with respect to the interviewer, which makes a positive impression of you, and also there is a high possibility that some of you are mistakes or wrong answer ignore easily.
On the telephonic interview the way of talking and how your behavior professionally these are the only thing to judge you, and if you are not doing it, surely it will make a negative impression on you.
Also, one thing to important is that if you join the company there is a high possibility that the interviewer will be you are colleague you have to work with, so it is good to be professional.
9. Clear about Salary Expectations
The most important reason you are attending the interview and looking for a job change, it the Salary. Agree or not everybody looks for a higher salary and needs the more salary they are taking.
Before scheduling an interview call, make sure you have talked about the salary expectation and the recruiters agree to give you that much once selected.
Otherwise, you attend all the things very well, clear all rounds, and in the final round they are negotiating or not agree to pay you that much, will be ended up with having frustration or you will lose confidence about you are performance in interview.
This also wastes you are time, all you are effort and time got waste if recruiters did not agree to pay you are expectations.
Naturally, the salary discussion happened in the last round, but it is more important to discuss it in the first round for your profit otherwise you can give that much effort and time for other interview and concentrate it on more who agree to pay you what you want.
10. Charge your phone
The other most important thing in your telephonic interview mostly depends on is the mobile phone and its network availability.
Before attending the interview make sure your mobile phone is fully charged so that you don’t have to worry about its charging while attending the interview, else you will lose you are concentration while attending the interview.
The phone calls consume more battery and if you are attending an interview for at least half an hour, surely it will consume the battery of you are mobile phone.
If you are mobile got switch off while attending the call and not reachable after that, you can consider that you are interview is complete and also the interviewer shares you are feedback with the team.
This will surely make a negative impression on you and also you are interview gets done from in-between, which is not a good thing, to avoid this make sure that you have an charge you are mobile enough.
11. Check the network availability and found a quiet environment
The other second most important thing is to make sure you are mobile is reachable.
If you are mobile is not reachable at the time of scheduled interview time, even by calling you a few times, you can consider that your are interview is completed without attending it.
This does not sound great right? So be sure that you are in the reachable area.
Make sure that you are mobile having enough network availability so that you and the interviewer can hear each other loud and clear.
Otherwise, both of you can not hear each other clearly and which is not a good thing, which creates a bad impression.
While attending the telephonic interview, you have to take care of all these small things, these small things are important and can make a negative impact if not taking care of them correctly.
Be sure that you are in a quiet environment and no one is disturbing in between the interview, be sure no one is talking behind you and making noise in between the interview.
Having a disturbance in between the interview is not a good thing, and you have to avoid such a situation so that you can attend the interview without having any disturbance in between it.
Because of the noise in the background, you are also not able to hear anything clearly and can not present you are self effectively.
12. Prepare well for the basic and common interview questions
Do some research while doing planning for an interview, note out the common and basic questions asked in a telephonic interview.
Prepare you are self very well for these mostly asked questions, you must have to give the proper and very well prepared answers for these questions.
Some of the basic, common, and generally asked questions are like What is you are family background? Tell us more about you are work experience? What will you do in you are most difficult situations? and many of like this.
These are some of the nontechnical questions but make sure are preparing yourself for mostly asked technical questions related to you are skilled.
If an interviewer is asking you basic and common questions, he is expecting a more professional and good answer from you, which you must have to give.
These questions are the full toss for you, which you have to grab and hit a six on it, don’t miss the opportunity like this and that’s why it is important to do good preparation on the same.
13. Talk normally, Be conversational
While giving answers to the asked questions, you have to be professional but try to give an answer in a normal way, maintain a professional friendly tone rather than sounding it like rehearsed.
The way of talking is very important in a telephonic interview if it sounds like that you have rehearsed or reading an answer from somewhere, it will give you a negative point.
You can record your answers to the commonly asked questions so that after hearing them later you will know what to improve and where to improve.
You can also do this with your friends or family so that they can give you feedback, remember to take the feedback on how you are tone is, language, speed, you need to improve on all these things.
You can also prepare the small talk with the interviewer so that it will help to create a friendly environment and makes you comfortable more.
This small talk you can do at the starting of the interview when you greet the interviewer, you can start talking about the environment or upcoming events.
Once a healthy and friendly environment made, it helps to improve you are confidence so that you can give an answer with confidence and can impress the interviewer.
14. Take a notes
If you have a habit of taking a note it will be great and very useful for you, because taking a note during an interview will always help you.
You must have to take notes during the interview, you can make notes of questions you are not able to answer or you don’t know about.
This will help you to prepare well for the next interviews you attend, and you will also know that how hard you need to study for the specific skill.
You can also take note of the things where you mistake or answer you are not able to give very well, these will give you a chance to improve yourself on all these things where you lack.
Taking notes and improving yourself base on that, will raise your confidence and idea of how you are doing? and on one day you will crack the interview easily without any hurdle.
15. Ask for feedback and send Thank you mail
At the end of the interview, ask to give feedback to an interviewer, where he can comment on your skills and how you want to represent you are a thing or like where you are lacking?
When your interviewer gives you feedback, try to work on that and improve as much as you can, so that the next time you will not lack on those things.
By doing this you will also know the requirement of the job as per you are experience, every job has a requirement as per the experience you have and you need to prepare according to that.
Once the interview is over you can also send a thank you mail, which will improve your reputation, and also they can contact you the next time if they have an opening for the same position.
This will show them that you really have an interest in the position open for and also you can mention the things you want to ask or you want to let them know.
Bottom line
The way of talking, politeness, taking notes, all these things matter most in the telephonic interview. always ask for feedback so that based on that you can improve yourself.
The only one thing we can suggest at last is to be confident, you have to be confident which matters most while answering. Be confident and polite during the interview and answer well.
Don’t try to answer questions you don’t know very well, this will impact you more negatively, you can simply say an I don’t know about that very much if you don’t know and pass the question.
The Germinate wishing you the best of luck for you are future!!.