How to Get a Scholarship to Study Abroad in 2021

 In Career

Are you planning to go abroad to study? So you must be aware of the tuition fees and living costs you need to pay where you are planning to go?

Yes, the cost increase when you leave your own country and go to the other for living or study, and this is because of the difference between the dollar and you are country currency price.

Suppose, if we take an example of India, one dollar is equal to 73 Indian rupees. So if you want to study abroad and as an example, the tuition fees of that particular university is 100 dollars, then you have to spend nearby 7,000 Indian rupees.

Additionally, the ticket price to go there, leaving expense are different and you need to spend more and more, these are the lots of expenses not everyone can afford.

Many students are talented enough but miss this important opportunity because of their financial condition which is very sad but true.

If these students can get this opportunity to study in a reputed university, they are able to do a blast, they are very talented but need proper guidance to achieve so, many of that don’t know about the scholarships and because of that, we are writing this article.

There are scholarships to study abroad and can help you to solve the financial crisis so that you can only focus on the study and perform well in that.

This article will help you to achieve you are goal, we have covered some points which gave you a clear idea about what is the scholarship? how to apply for a scholarship to study abroad?

What is a Scholarship?

The scholarship is the small amount of money given by the university, school, college or other organization to the student for studies.

Some students have the ability to top the exams, but because of the financial conditional they lose concentration, this scholarship helps the student to concentrate fully on the study regardless of their finance.

Difference between scholarships and grants

Both the scholarships and grants are the same, they are the gifts given to the students in terms of money for their studies.

But the only difference is that the grants are given to the students who are young and can not able to afford the costs to pay for their studies while scholarships are given to the students who are good in their academics or in athletics.

If you are not able to pay your fees you can apply for the grants, else you can apply for the scholarships if you are good at academics.

Difference between scholarships and student loans

Students loans are like scholarships, where you received the money for studies but the only condition is that you need to pay back the money and sometimes with the interest you need to pay.

Most of the students apply for students loans which you can get with minimum interest and once you get the job you can pay the debts. But you need to pay a higher amount than you take and sometimes it ended with a lot of frustration.

Who can apply for the Scholarships?

The students who are eligible as per the guidelines given by the particular ministries, yes there are various guidelines given by the ministries for the students.

There are some common requirements to apply for the scholarships like a

  • Letter of motivation
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Official acceptance letter from the academic institution
  • Proof of low income and legal financial statements
  • Proof of extraordinary academic

How to apply for a scholarship?

Once you have found the study abroad scholarship, you have to register on that portal by providing accurate and authentic information and print the Student Registration Form.

If the student is below 18 years of age, then the registration form needs to be filled by the parent or guardian of the student.

Before initiating the registration process, we are advising you to keep the following documentation, so that once you initiate registration the process will be smooth and you don’t have to stop in between.

  1. Students Education documents / certificates
  2. Bank account of the applicant and IFSC code of the branch (Note: If the students not having a bank account, parents can share their own bank account which will be used only for two children.)
  3. ID proof, Adhaar number of student
  4. Letter of acceptance from the academic institutes, university or you can also submit an official document from the particular university providing you have been selected.
  5. Write a personal letter or essay, you can choose the letter which is available online easily

While filling the form you need all these documents, please make sure that you have an official letter of acceptance from the university you are selected, you will not eligible for the scholarship

Submit the form and wait for the results, if you are selected then congratulations, you are the lucky one!!

The important question you got in your mind is that how to find a scholarship to study abroad, we have covered this point below.

How to find study abroad scholarships?

The information about the scholarship, you can easily find on the website of the university to which you are going to take admission.

If you are not able to find so, you can contact representatives or the office of the college or school to which you are applying, so that they can help you with that.

This information is easily available, you can find that easily by searching online, there are many websites which are updating their database constantly and on which you can find this information easily.

You can also take look at the official website of the European Union, where you can find information about the scholarship, visas, funding and many more which will help you to study in European countries.

Also, there is an official website of the United States government where you can find information about the scholarships and can apply on that.

Like this, every country has an official website regarding the same where you can find the information easily.

Types of Scholarships

  • Scholarships for students who have excellent academic results
  • Scholarships for artistic. research, and athletic achievements.
  • Scholarships for students who are having a low family income.
  • Scholarships for underrepresented groups, like women, students or citizens from a developing country
  • Scholarships for international students.

Bottom line

Many people do funding to the students, but these fundings charge you interest rates or you need to return them, but the scholarships are the gifts you got in terms of money and you don’t have to return that.

Scholarships are available for local students, international students, students from minorities or from specific regions which is depend on the scholarship type.

You can search the suitable scholarship from various resources, like a website of universities, individual pages of the country for official study abroad.

We are wishing the best of luck for your future do well and let us know the queries you have, we will surely try to give our take on that.

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