What is Robotic Process Automation(RPA)

 In Technology

Robotic Process Automation is a technology that is easy for everyone to use to robotize digital tasks.

In the Robotic Process Automation, the software developers can create software bots or robots which can learn, imitate and execute the rule-based business process.

Robotic Process Automation allows users to create a bot by following human digital actions. All you have to do is to train the bot what to and how to do and let them work.

These Robotic Process Automation software bots can able to interact with any application, website, or software in the same way the human can do.

These software bots or robots can do everything from extracting data by identifying it, understanding what’s present on a screen, and completing the keystrokes to perform a broad range of defined actions.

The Robotic Process Automation bots can do everything as instructed and are trained that too with nonstop around the clock, considerably faster and 100% accuracy and reliability.

What does robotic process automation do?

The bots of Robotic Process Automation have the same digital skill sets as the peoples have with accuracy.

These bots can interact with any system or application easily which certainly reduces the repetitive work.

These Robotic Process Automation bots can do a calculation, copy and paste data, can open a file or parse an email, and extracts data.

These bots can adapt to any interface or workflow and because of this, there is no need to change the business system, applications, or existing processes in order to make it automated.

If you know how to record a video on your phone, you can able to configure RPS bots, these bots are easy to set up, use, and share.

To execute the business process throughout the organization these RPA bots can be scheduled, cloned, customized, and shared.

What are the business benefits of RPA?

Robotic Process Automation simplifies workflows, which makes businesses more beneficial, adaptable, and responsive.

Robotic Process Automation also helps to increase employees’ satisfaction, engagement, and productivity by removing repetitive tasks from their workdays.

To accelerate the digital transformations Robotic Process Automation can be implemented rapidly. For automating workflows RPA is an ideal that involves inheritance systems that lack APIs, virtual desktop infrastructures (VDIs), or database access.

Cost Saving – Around the world and across all industries RPA drives a rapid and significant improvement to business matrics.

Transformation Acceleration – More than 65% of global executives say RPS is a major part of digital transformation.

Higher Accuracy – Because of the RPA more than 60% of manual errors reduces.

Greater Resilience – RPA bots or robots boost up quickly to reach workload heights and respond to big demand points.

Boosted Productivity – More than 70% of global workers, believed that automation will make them more productive.

Improved Compliance – More than 95% of RPA bots or robots has successfully met or exceeded expectations for better compliance.

Happier Employees – More than 55% of executives say RPA increases employee engagement more.

What is a Robotic Process Automation example?

Robotic Process Automation is now becoming a trend in many industries and growing more, there are no signs of slowing it down.

RPA bots or robots handle the tedious, manual digital tasks and transfer them into a digital worker from a human worker.

This automation and digital work save the industries time and money simultaneously.

1. Finance and Accounting

Accounting and Finance invoice processing is one of the most time-consuming tasks which also needs more concentration while creating an invoice.

While creating an invoice it comes through various channels and has to match with the purchase order with approval by different people of different levels for payment.

All this process takes more time and people need to contact each other for the same, where you need to do a lot of effort for it.

All this can be easy with the RPA if you define some rules and processes and let RPA take care of all.

It will follow the rules and process set by you and can also go for approval automatically to the required people as defined.

2. Human Resources

Hiring only one employee can take more than a week and during this, you have to do more paper works.

This procedure is repetitive for each person to hire and can be skipped by using an RPA.

RPA can help you during this process a lot, can reduce your repetitive work and also can take care of your documentation easily.

RPA can do this with work without taking extra time and effort with more accuracy, these bots or robots of RPA can screen resumes of candidates easily.

3. Customer Support

Customer support is the major field that is using the RPA bots and robots in a large way.

You can see the bots everywhere which provide you support to a certain point and after that as per your preferences connect you to the right person.

These are the bots that are working effectively and guiding people as instructed or trained and reduce the work and time of the people.

Chatbots are an excellent example of this even though they are intersecting both RPA and Artificial Intelligence.


Q. Where can I use RPA

You can use RPA anywhere, across the industries and businesses, it can complete any digital repetitive manual work with more accuracy.

Q. Do I need to be aware of Coding to use RPA?

No, there is no need to be aware of any type of coding to use RPA bots or robots.

Q. Is RPA easy to learn and How long it will take to learn?

Yes, RPA is easy to learn and you can start using RPA without having any type of training.

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