Top Career in Agriculture After 12th

 In Career

If you are interested or willing to make a good career in the agricultural field then there are very good platforms nowadays onward with the very great career course in agriculture after the 12th passed.

Once you complete you are 12th standard in Agriculture there are lots of options available. In the countries like India, agriculture plays an important role to increase the Indian economy.

There are lots of career opportunities in agriculture rather than just doing farming. By doing certain courses or by achieving a degree in it, you can have a top career opportunity in agriculture.

If you are looking to have a good career in agriculture, but you are not aware of what to do or what to choose and what are the various career options available for you, no worries about that, here are the various options we have covered in this article.

In this article, we have covered the various career options for you to choose after 12th agriculture if you want to make a good career in agriculture.

Agricultural engineer

As an agricultural engineer, you can improve the current methods of farming. As an agricultural engineer, you have lots of options and scope to show your talent by improving the methods and types of equipment to use.

As an agricultural engineer, you have the opportunity to improve lots of things which are not so effective and also the old type, you can improve the design and the machinery used in the farming.

you can improve the design of the machinery used in farming in a way that will reduce the efforts, cost and also effectively work. You can also use the data of the weather from the GPS to advise farmers likewise.

You can also have an opportunity to join as an agricultural supervisor in construction projects.

To have fit in these roles you have to be strong in the subjects like mathematics, science, and good at problem-solving as well as very creative.

Agricultural economist

As an agricultural economist, you will implement microeconomic and concepts of macroeconomic and the theories which help to understand the economic decisions such as how and why shopkeepers have to make the decisions about the foods they are going to buy and how the government need to take a decision about how to supports farmers.

As an agricultural economist you can have your work from office by analyzing the data and performing some calculations and as well can spend your time on the field by doing some research, land surveying, farmers interview and by performing many things.

As an agricultural economist you have to work mainly independently and might have to collaborate with the other economist, farmers, statisticians.

You must have to be good at the mathematics and have to represent the data in very effective and effecient way.

Farm manager

As a farm manager while doing the business you have to make decisions while keeping within budget parameters and need to supervise the running of the farm.

You have to arrange and manage the running of the farm, maintenance and repair of farm types of equipment and buildings. You have to market the farm’s products and have to ensure that they are prepared in time for markets and auctions.

With all of this, you have to make ensure that all the processes observe with the government regulations and that health and safety standards are implemented at all times.

For getting this role you have an in-hand experience of farming and as well have the technical knowledge and have to work on the task like an administrative.

Soil and plant scientist

The main role of soil and the plan scientist you have to test the soil composition in order to reach how it will be going to effects the plant growth.

In order to maximize the efficiency, you have to research the alternative path for growing the path such as genetic modification.

Basically, you have to the lost more research to grow the plants more effectively and if possible you have to give an effective alternative for the same, also you have to search about the soil nature and how it is going to affect the growth of plants.

All these data you have to represent to the food producers to advise or help them regarding how to use their land most efficiently and have to inform about the crops to the farmers which are most suitable.

The soil and plant scientists can work in the kitchens also in order to test the food processing.

As a soil and plant scientist, you can work from laboratories performing various experiments to invent the most effective way or you can work on fields by visiting farms and gathering samples of soils.

Conservation planner

As a conservation planner, you can decide whether the land can be preserved for farming or whether it can be built on, you have determined this based on the environmental and biological value of the land.

As a conservation planner, have to suggest to the stakeholders what they can do or cannot, by drawing a report if the value of the land is deemed too valuable to be built on.

As a conservation planner, you have to act like a middle man between the environmental groups and government, you have to prepare the reports, develop budgets, and also you have to identify and analyze any type of environmental issues and have to promote environmental management.

To act as a conservation planner you have to be organized, have good project management skills and have extremely self-motivated, if you have an environmental science degree it will be great, as it an extremely useful in this role, also you have to be a good analytical skill.

Commercial Horticulturalist

As a commercial horticulturalists, you have to be a part and have to monitor the entire production process of the plants which are like managing the growing, harvesting, packaging, distribution and selling of food, crops and plants.

As a day to day activity, you have to write the business plans, manage the training of the staff, manage pest or weed control programs, develop new products, marketing products, you have to also negotiate the contract between the buyers and sellers, and have to help to sell the finished products.

As a commercial horticulturalists, you have to be well managed, extremely detail-oriented, with strong management skills and have to be a great understanding of commercial awareness.

Agricultural salesperson

As an agricultural salesperson, you have to sell the machinery, animal feeds, fertilizers, and various seeds to farmers.

You have to be extremely good at communication so that you can advise the farmer regarding your product very well and can suggest to him all the pros regarding the product.

You also have to be an expert and need to know and everything regarding your products so that you can tell the farmer or buyers while selling the product.

You have to understand the requirement of the farmer and have to suggest a good product which will be well fitted as per his requirement.

You have to be very friendly with the farmers so that you can maintain a long term relationship with them, which is very important in this field.

Bottom Line

Many people think that the agricultural scope means only doing the farming and they don’t know about the other options, so even if they have an interest in agriculture they have to choose the other option.

Because of this, we have to cover this topic, so that students come to know the scope of career into the agricultural field and they don’t have to choose the other field.

Every country needs a good farming product so that their economy run faster, and this field has a large scope. If you are willing to do some into the agricultural field then you can pick any of the courses as given below.

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