ReactJS vs Angular: Difference Between ReactJS and Angular 2021

 In Technology

The field of Information Technology has no boundaries. It continues to enjoy the new development on daily basis. Several IT developers and professionals are working on developing new systems, which allows improvement to the technology.

There are several opportunities in the IT sector as new technology introduces constantly. Right now in the IT sector, ReactJs vs Angular 6 is the recent and hottest debate. Because of their unique features, react and angular are massively popular among the developers.

In this post, you will found the head to head conversation on ReactJs vs Angular. We have covered lots of topics because of which you will aware of the difference between ReactJs and Angular. Accordingly, you can make a decision about which framework your next project will be.

React Js vs Angular: Quick Introduction



React is developed by Facebook and released in 2013, it is an open-source Javascript library.

React is used for the user interface and UI components which are maintained and supported by Facebook. React is a component-based library used for a front end, mainly responsible only for the view layer of the application.

It is used to design a simple view of your application. React update and render your component when your data changes. React uses the declarative model which makes it easier to debug the application.


Angular is an open-source Javascript framework maintained and developed by Google. It is launched in 2010, it was known as an AngularJs, and then Angular 2 launch with a complete rewrite of Angular js.

The angular latest version release on 3 February 2021 with version 11.1.2. Angular updates constantly and also there is the support provided by Google.

The angular framework is based on the Typescript which is a superscript of Javascript. It is mainly used to design single page applications and it is a full-fledged MVC framework.

React Js vs Angular: Key Features


  • Supported by Facebook.
  • Facilitates one-way data binding.
  • Allow usage of third party libraries.
  • Code reusability.
  • Faster development.
  • Simple and composable.
  • Code stability


  • Built-in Support for Ajax, HTTP, and Observables.
  • Forms and Validations.
  • Cleaner and script coding.
  • Consistent with technology.
  • Enhanced support for error handling.
  • Large community support.
  • Class-based components with lifecycle hooks.

React Js vs Angular: Architecture


React follows MVC – Model View Control. It uses a UI library to render elements, Without enforcing the specific project structure.

React elements are the smallest building blocks while the react components are the largest building blocks.

That defines the independent and reusable code throughout the applications React is mostly combined with Javascript XML though it is based on Javascript. It allows you to create elements that contain Javascript and HTML at the same time.


Angular follows MVVM – Model View Model. Metadata tells Angular where they find building blocks that need to create and present its view. Angular is structured into the component, models, and services.

Every angular project has at least one root component and one root module. Angular components contain a Template and a class that defines the business logic.

services are used in angular to get business logic such as fetching data and validate inputs.

React Js vs Angular: Benefits


  • Easy to learn because of Simple Desing.
  • React JS is SEO friendly.
  • Reusable Components.
  • Flexibility – Due to modular structure easier to maintain.
  • Enhance support of server-side rendering.
  • Migration between versions is easier


  • Angular build native mobile apps.
  • Synchronization with Two-way data binding.
  • Angular Material – Ready to used well-tested UI components.
  • IVY Renderer – Super optimized bundle size, loading, size, and dynamic loading of components.
  • seamless updates using Angular CLI

React Js vs Angular: Components


Components are building blocks of React which are independent and reusable code. There are two types of components in React, Class Component and Function Component.

The components are like javascript functions that require a render() method, to return HTML. because of components building UI is much easier.

While creating the component the things you need to keep in mind is the name always gets the start with the upper case letter and it has to include “extends React. Component”


class Component extends React.Component {


return <h1>React Component</h1>;




Every Angular application has at least one root component, components are the main building blocks in the angular which includes the three different parts named “Templates”, “Class”, “Metadata”.

Templates – Used to render the view for the application. templates include the HTML that needs to render in the application. Class – The class contains property and methods which has the code used to support the view.

Metadata – used to decorate the class so that it can configure the expected behavior of a class. When you create the component in angular using CLI, it will create four files. HTML File to render the view.

A CSS file for component style. A Typescript file and a test file for the component.

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