Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Learning

 In Career

Online classes, the terms get famous and well known to each and everybody after the Covid-19 get a rise in the world.

During the Coronavirus, the online study came forward to make sure the study of the students will not get affected in any term.

The education department all over the world decided to start online classes to make sure there will be an effect on the student’s future because of this.

Coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic has started the new ways in many different fields, including learning. All around the world, educational systems are looking toward online learning for students.

In the market, there are many platforms available by which the schools or colleges start teaching online to their students.

The many educational systems around the world quickly adopt this new thing, while other struggles a little more but in the end, they are also able to adopt it.

The new form or way of teaching and learning come into everyone’s life because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The teachers not only conduct the academic classes online but, also, took the extracurricular activities for their students online.

Now the students now only learning online but also attending the exams online.

But the questions are arises here like, is the online classes are as effective as the normal classes? is they are able to give much effort and also students are able to learn that much knowledge?

Each and every parent is thinking about the same and getting worried about their children’s future.

Which is obvious, cause you can learn academics online but how can you get progress in extracurriculars by learning online?

Some questions are really interesting and make us think about the same and that is why we are now discussing both Advantages of online classes during lockdown.

Each thing has two sides positive and negative, the online study has the positive and negative sides which are going to be discussed below.

What Are The Advantages Of Online Learning?

There are many benefits of online education, let’s discussed some below.

1. Efficiency

Online Learning provides an effective way to deliver or present the lesson for the teachers to the students.

While giving the online lessons, teachers use the various tools provided by the platform, such as Videos. PDFs and many more.

Teachers make more interesting videos or PDFs so that the students will understand them in a more effective way without losing their concentration.

This also makes the study beyond the traditional textbooks, as the teachers also put other materials by searching online which make this more interesting and efficient.

2. Accessibility Of Time And Place

Accessibility is another important advantage of online learning, as without restricting geographical boundaries and taking extra time to reach the location to join the particular class.

Students as well teachers can attend the class from any location and at any time, which saves the time and efforts of both teachers and students.

This time students can use to study more and teachers to prepare more for the students so they can understand the particular topic more clearly.

This also makes an easy for the students from the rural areas who can not afford to live in the urban areas, they can get admission in the reputed schools and colleges and can attend it from the homeland.

3. Never miss the Class

As the online classes have the provision to record it, schools and colleges started recording the classes and providing them to the students.

This is a revolutionary step, because of this the students can do the revision of the lesson easily by watching the recording and also it makes them help to solve their doubts easily.

Students can also use these recordings while doing the revision for the exams and which makes them gain more percentage easily.

4. Suits A Variety Of Learning Styles

Each individual has its learning style which makes him or her more comfortable and then they can attend it with more concentration.

Many students want to learn individually rather than surrounded by a bunch of students, while others can understand quickly by visuals rather than audio and vice versa.

These all things can be achieved by online classes and the students can find their comfort in learning and they can perform an extraordinary into the exams as never before.

5. Tech Savy and No boundaries

As online learning happens onto the different platforms and apps, students become the Tech Savy.

Students have to use the different applications and they have to know about that much so then they can able to handle it which makes them tech-savvy.

Nowadays, students are learning online and know everything about smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

As they know everything, there are no boundaries for them and they can search everything online for what they are looking for.

They can read or see videos regarding the particular topic they wanted to know more about.

What Are The Advantages Of Online Learning?

There are many Disadvantages of online education, let’s discussed some below.

1. Lose Concentration

Many students lose concentration while taking an online education at home, this comes as the biggest disadvantage of online learning as of now.

While learning online on tablets, smartphones or on the laptop, it seems students navigate to the other sites for their entertainment purpose or they start to play games.

Also, they lose concentration by watching what other people are doing in-home or by playing games at home.

All these things are simply get ignored by the teachers, as the teachers are concentrating on teaching and because of the small window of each student, they barely look at what exactly the student is doing.

2. Sense of Isolation

As we discussed earlier each individual have their own comforts and enjoy learning in that environment.

This makes a negative impact on the students who really enjoy learning or attending classes with friends and they feel like isolation which tends to lose their concentration.

Many Students enjoys the company and they can concentrate in the situation more, also they feel secure while learning or attending classes with the other students.

While attending online learning, many students use a private room for attending which makes them more uncomfortable and they simply ignore the class.

3. Manage Screen Time

Screen time management is surely a major and health-related issue that comes forward while attending online classes.

Parents as well educational systems are concerned about the health of the students as they have to attend online learning for hours.

Online learning now only gets impact onto the eyes of the students but also onto the back and heart, as they have to seat for hours to attend the lectures.

Many students are now complaining about the physical pain and problems as they tend to seat in a bad posture while attending online learning.

The solution to this is to take a small break between each lecture, but it also observed that to cover the syllabus into the given time limit faculty, schools, or colleges are not preferring the same.

4. Training of Teachers

As we know online learning is start suddenly because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it built many difficulties in every sector including the education sector.

Many teachers who are having lots of experience in teaching and are also popular among the teacher, are not aware or able to handle the technology very much.

As the Covid-19 pandemic also come suddenly, the schools and colleges do not get enough time to train teachers which tends to many difficulties for them.

As these experiences or popular teachers are not able to handle the tools effectively, students are not able to get a quality education.

5. Expensive

Online education is an expensive one, as it needs to have internet, smartphone or tablet or laptop to attend the lecture or to give the lecture.

This becomes more difficult and problematic in the rural areas, as the internet is not to reach there or has a lower speed and because of that students or teachers both are not able to attend the lectures.

As the Covid-19 impacts everyone, parents also start working from home, and because of this students do not get laptops or smartphones to attend the lectures.

Parents have to buy a new laptop or tablet, especially for the children to attend the classes which increase the expenses.

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